Deptford High Street and St Paul’s Church Conservation Area


Deptford High Street and St Paul’s Church Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Deptford High Street is a uniquely characterful conservation area that derives much of its historic significance from the collective contribution of buildings and spaces that are not themselves listed and the way that the area is used by its various intersecting communities. As a result, Deptford’s distinctive if illusive character is particularly vulnerable to loss through incremental change. We were asked by LB Lewisham in partnership with Historic England to review the existing conservation area and its boundaries to recommend whether this should be altered and to provide practical guidance for the Council and local residents and businesses about how to manage change in the High Street without compromising its defining character.

We identified and detailed the distinctive character of eight sub-areas and recommended that the conservation area should be extended and, in places, removed. We were asked to review the possibilities of using Article 4 Directions but eventually concluded that, in Deptford, alternative approaches such as clear and practical guidance would be more effective to successfully manage change.

You can read the report online.

Client: London Borough of Lewisham