Bristol Temple Quarter


Bristol Temple Quarter

We have been advising Network Rail on the future of the Grade I listed Bristol Temple Meads station for nearly a decade and have often worked as part of several projects implementing strands of a masterplan to develop the station and surrounding Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone.

We first prepared the Heritage Strategy for the Bristol Temple Quarter Development Framework, undertaking analysis of the historic environment, engaging with stakeholders to secure their approval and assisting the Mott MacDonald / Weston Williamson design team.

In 2023, we were appointed for the next stage of the process: providing townscape and heritage advice to the team led by Prior + Partners (who we work alongside with at Cowcross Street) and architects Allford Hall Monaghan Morris for the transformation and development of the Bristol Temple Quarter Regeneration Programme (BTQRP) area and 130ha of brownfield land, which includes a phased masterplan for 10,000 new homes and 22,000 new jobs along with upgraded station entrances, flood-prevention infrastructure, highway improvements, new public realm and open spaces.

This work is alongside and in combination with our long-term support to Network Rail at Temple Meads Station - including at present work with AHR on the new Northern Entrance and Southern Gateway projects that are focal enablers of the Temple Quarter.

Our work for both the Temple Quarter and Network Rail gives us a comprehensive understanding of the historic environment here, and a long term perspective on how it can positively shape economically, environmentally and socially sustainable growth through the west of England’s biggest urban regeneration project.

Client: Network Rail, Bristol City Council, West of England Combined Authority
Team: Prior + Partners, AHMM, AHR, Arup, Spacehub Design and Nudge Group.