Cardiff Central Railway Station


Cardiff Central Railway Station

We have worked at Cardiff Central Railway Station for nearly a decade, providing heritage advice to inform future alteration and expansion plans for this important Great Western Mainline station and interchange.

The present Cardiff Central Station is the third to be built on the site. Completed in 1934, it is listed at Grade II as the ‘most complete example’ of a Great Western Railway ‘major city railway station of the period’. Current conditions and future predictions indicate that because Cardiff is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, the station is approaching the point where it will have to be substantially remodelled for a third time.

We were first asked to produce an initial heritage audit of the GRIP1 options study for the proposed masterplan for Cardiff Central Station, in order to better understand the potential heritage planning risks associated with the project.

In 2021, we were then appointed by Transport for Wales and Mott Macdonald to produce a Statement of Signficiance to inform development of GRIP 2 to 4 proposals for passenger and capacity enhancements.

Client Cardiff Central Railway Station