Hatton Garden Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy


Hatton Garden Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy

The Hatton Garden Conservation Area was designated by Camden Council in 1999 to protect the character and appearance of London’s famous diamond district and the surrounding streets. The district has a long and interesting history, resulting in a highly varied townscape that is challenging to characterise.

We were commissioned by Camden Council to revisit an earlier appraisal, which was outdated and did not provide a sufficiently firm foundation on which to base their decisions. Our approach was to combine conservation and urbanism to create a new appraisal and management strategy that would be useful to the Council as regeneration projects come forward. We provided an authoritative characterisation and audit, identified buildings of merit and key views, and set out a series of key issues and guidelines. Using our combined understanding of the issues, we also identified opportunities for enhancement. These encompassed the conservation and enhancement of the historic townscape and improvements to the public realm.

Client: Camden Council