Al Eggeling


Al Eggeling


Senior Associate

An accredited heritage consultant, Al combines a professional passion for conservation and built heritage with over a decade of experience as a town planner allowing her to guide projects from the conceptual stage through to achieving consent, working corroboratively with planning and architectural teams.

Al originally qualified as an archaeologist before becoming a chartered town planner and then an accredited heritage advisor so has an excellent grasp of how the various consent regimes and related disciplines interact.

Al specialises in managing change in the historic environment – sensitively introducing new development into historic contexts. Major projects have included the provision of heritage consultancy services to Historic England in the South-East and East of England and conservation and design advice for a variety of Grade I, II* and II listed buildings; registered parks and historic landscapes, seeking to adapt historic places for twenty-first century needs.

Al additionally leads the practice’s Heritage, Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment work.