Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Design Codes


Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Design Codes

Our movement team worked with BCP FuturePlaces (a wholly owned urban regeneration company of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council) to accelerate delivery of regeneration and transformational development of Council-owned sites and local centres across the area.

Working with a range of specialists and stakeholders - brought together through the Prince’s Foundation’s collaborative charette methodology - we helped scope out coordinated strategies for placemaking interventions across key sites such as Bournemouth’s Westover Road and Lansdowne Area; Christchurch’s town centre; and Poole’s Old Town and Quay.

Together with Corstorphine & Wright and the Landscape Partnership we also prepared a Design Code and supporting public realm strategy for the Lansdowne Area, as one of two BCP design code pilots funded by DLUHC’s Office for Place.

Client: Elmbridge County Council
Key collaborators: The Prince’s Foundation, Corstorphine & Wright, The Landmark Practice