David Bowles


David Bowles


Senior Associate

David has a broad range of experience of civil and structural engineering including over ten years experience of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) design and assessing flood risk taking projects from their inception, through planning and on to completion on site.

He has extensive experience in projects involving the review and assessment of historic railway structures and has a particular interest in how they can be sensitively modified to suit modern uses. He has gained a detailed knowledge of different Victorian and Edwardian construction techniques through his extensive work on historic railway infrastructure.

He has also worked closely with transport and urban teams giving him significant design experience on projects involving the movement of people. David has often been able to apply his knowledge of transport and movement, particularly walking and cycling, to his projects.

David has a particular interest in the historic development of towns, cities and buildings and how they were serviced. The knowledge he has is particularly useful on urban projects where there are often numerous hidden constraints related to previous uses. Furthermore, his SuDS experience covers a wide range of projects from individual urban redevelopments through to large housing schemes on greenfield sites.

AssociateAlan Baxter